Tuesday, June 8, 2010

SPUDS MINUTES for MAY 31st, 2010

In attendance: Karl, Rae, Fireweed, Mike, Jan, Lyndsey, Charlie

Hosted by Fireweed and Mike

Facilitator: Rae Notetaker: Mike N.


1. Field Updates:

Correction- 14.5 rows of potatoes were planted on Saturday (not the 16 previously reported…in the area closest to the fence where the sod was tough going, a row and a half were not planted. A few holes reportedly received two small potatoes, so there was actually less than a whole row’s worth of seed left over at the end.)

Weed suppression- it was suggested that the unplanted row and a half, as well as the adjacent grassy area be sheet mulched to suppress growth and encroachment into nearby potatoes.

Standing rye- about another hour of dead heading the standing rye has been done by Fireweed and Mike. Rae will contact deNeen about helping keep upcoming rye in check where we don’t want it to reseed.

Peas- sprouting well in the area planted by Rae, Karl, Mike, Derek, Bill, Susan Marie, Charlie and Fireweed prior to the potato planting.

Pea Purchase- the pea seed purchased last year was left exposed in the Hermitage barn over the winter where it became contaminated, so it was necessary to purchase new seed, including enough for the fall planting. Total cost: $79.99. Buying a whole bag was more cost effective than just replacing the lost seed now and waiting to buy the fall seed separately later. Mike will be reimbursed. Some discussion about proper seed storage ensued, with L and J offering the use of a metal bin for our next cover crop seed purchase. Current supplies are now safely stored in a sealed plastic tote at FW and Mike’s.

2. Financial Update by Mike:

a. Balance as of April 30, 2010: $197.17

less check for DI Old School meeting -$15.00

less check to Mike Lindsay for tilling -$50.00

less check to Charlie for water tank accessory -$40.16

plus extra money from donations exceeding costs

for our chili and cornbread lunch at the planting +$14.00


Outstanding bills:

Twine for marking rows $14.41

Peas for spring/fall planting $79.99


b. Bank statements:

…the bank offered to print out an account summary for 2008 and 2009 that lists checks and deposits, so the remaining missing bank statements are no longer an issue.

c. Memberships:

…stands at 14 family/group and 2 individual. Velda and Bob no longer active this year, but would like SPUDS to keep their membership fee.

d. Recycle Bin:

….we are second in line for a bin. The Recycling center reviews requests at year end (Jan.) Note: There was some question about whether or not we should have a bin.

3. Communications Committee Update:

Rae reported that thankyou cards have been sent to Doug & JoAnn Wright in appreciation for the donated hay, and Brian Miles for loaning us his roller for use with the cover cropping. Mike Lindsay will also receive an appreciation from SPUDS for his help with the field.

Sheila has done a great job compiling hard copies of SPUDS meeting minutes and more in a binder now available in the Denman library. The group agreed that there is probably no longer a need to keep current Minutes copies in the Free Post., so the envelope there will be removed and the membership reminded to visit the library, OR the SPUDS blog to review Minute records.


1. Field Management:

a) rye still growing in field will be monitored and deadheaded by Rae who will contact deNeen, also interested in helping.

b) First Hilling- tentatively scheduled for Saturday, June 12th at 10 am with Sunday, June 13th as an inclement weather backup plan date. The following weekend if potato growth warrants waiting. Bring hoes.

c) 2nd hilling and mulching to also be determined by sub-committee (see proposal below)

d) water cistern adaptation- Charlie has new fixture and will arrange for installation assistance from Mike Lindsay.

e) watering system discussed including how to adjust for current configuration of field, and whether or not it should be flushed. FW will also talk to Derek again about best likely placement in rows.

f) fall cover crop- peas purchased for fall, clover from South Country can wait; FW reports interest from Ironwood Farms, as well as Nature’s Way in possibly sharing hairy vetch purchase to come. Anticipated costs are estimated at around another $50 for cover crop seed this year.

g) Harvest/celebration planning deferred. Discussion around divvying up the harvest included concerns about different levels of membership involvement in the field, and the need to keep reminding folks to get in touch for other ways to pitch in if they are able to attend few field dates. It was recognized that 4 or 5 visits to the field remains a membership requirement, but that sometimes circumstances preclude the best of intentions.

2. Proposal:

Mike: that the membership strike a SPUDS sub-committee mandated to oversee field management organization and keep the membership fully apprised with regular updates.

There was no dissent to the proposal, so it has been adopted in principle by the membership present. All SPUDS members to be notified and invited once again to weigh in before it is considered official. It was suggested that any objections be made by June 12th, the first possible next group field activity date speculated.

It was agreed that the field sub committee (FSC) will always be open to anyone interested in participating. Members Lindsey, Jan, Fireweed and Mike volunteered to be on the FSC and will get together soon for a field visit and report on readiness for hilling so we can better anticipate the next field gathering date so the membership has some lead time. Fireweed is also on the Communications Committee and so will help make sure pertinent updates from the FSC are made available to all SPUDS members.

3. Fundraising:

Grants- Veronica’s update on the seniors grant was mentioned as determined not to be applicable to SPUDS (a proposed composting toilet for the Hermitage site where the grant is intended to create raised bed gardens for seniors may be available for our use eventually!)

The status of the other grant Veronica had offered to look into was unknown at this time.

Mike reported that there is no word yet from the Regional District regarding SPUDS grant application, and that any money’s wouldn’t be available before the end of July.

Other fundraising ideas include selling baked potatoes at the market. It was determined that the Fall Faire would predate our harvest in the field. We are second in line at the Bottle Depot for a bin, and some discussion ensued as to whether or not SPUDS should take advantage of the opportunity.

4. Other items:

Laying of the Hoses:

All members present agreed that they would help with the laying out of the watering system in the field when the time comes. Charlie will connect with the Fire Department around the filling of the cistern.

The meeting came to a close after fits of laughter were linked to the innocent refreshments made available by the meeting hosts. There is no next meeting of the membership as a whole planned at this time outside of the next field hilling date TBD.

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