Sunday, November 29, 2009

SPUDS Minutes- Tuesday, November 24, 2009

3206 Wren Road, Denman Island

Members attending: Barb Heywood-Jones, Herb Jones, Karl Goodwin, Ron Dobie, Bob and Velda Parsons, Sheila Nopper, Bob Vosburgh, Ron Sakolsky, deNeen Baldwin, Rae Eckel, Mike Nestor, Charlie Johnston, Fireweed, Veronica Timmons, Peter Bickel-Janes

Co-facilitators: Mike and Fireweed, Time keeper: Rae Eckel, Speakers List keeper: Herb Jones, Minutes: Veronica Timmons


(1) Old Business

A.- Bob’s thoughts

B.- Cards- condolensce card for Marjo, and thankyou notes to SPUDS allies

C.- Farm Plan Update

D.- Book-keeping

E.- Communications

(2) New Business

A.- Linnaea Farm Update

B. -Water

C.- Soil Testing

D.- Funding

(3) Basis of Unity

Revisions Updated- Community Building, Sustainability, Group Process, Ethics

(4) Topics for Upcoming Discussion

(5) Next meeting, Co-Facilitator Selection


(1) Old Business

A. Bob’s thoughts/Field issues

-Bob Parsons was invited to share a written submission he made a few weeks ago about the necessity of maintaining the field’s fertility. Entitled, The Soil, these thoughts had already been posted here on the right hand side of the blogspot). Bob elaborated on the current state of the field, which members attending the previous meeting, Nov. 11th, were also already apprised of. Full details can be found in the last minutes.

Bob P. added that the absence of earth worms is a concern, stressing the need for additional humus, e.g. seaweed. A group of members will gather seaweed and put it on the land.

-Bob Vosburgh suggested that we don’t let the cover crop go to seed in the future, given the difficulty of moving the tangled pile of rye plants recently relocated for mulch to the lower end of the field. (again, see the minutes for Nov. 11th, for details)

B. Cards

Rae and Fireweed will work on getting thankyou cards out to anyone who has assisted SPUDS and hasn’t already received a formal appreciation: the Fire Dept. (water), the Scrutons (hay), Anne and Larry, Jane and Patrick Fawkes (apple juice), Ironwood Farm (inoculant), Mike Lindsay (ploughing). Anyone else?

C. Agriculture Plan Update

The Islands Trust is initiating an Agriculture Plan for the island and seven islanders are volunteer members on the Steering Committee, including SPUDS members Peter Bickel Janes and Fireweed. Anyone interested in links provided to the Steering Committee members regarding Farm Plans in other communities can contact Fireweed directly. She will also act as a liason for SPUDS, keeping members abreast of the activities of the Committee.

D. Book-keeping/Financial Update

-deNeen announced receipt of the cheques and chequebook, formerly held by Corinne, along with a spreadsheet documenting 2009 income and expenses. deNeen plans to retrieve additional materials from Corinne soon.

-Veronica is awaiting reimbursement of $230 for winter pea seed she purchased for cover cropping.

-Mike will assist with book-keeping and he will replace Corinne Bjorge as a signatory on SPUDS bank account. Mike will go to the Credit Union to get the signing authority changed.

-The membership present approved Mike Nestor replacing Corinne Bjorge as signatory for Cascadia Food Sustainability Projects.

-Grant in Aid: Herb suggested that we apply again for the Regional District Grant In Aid.

E. Communication

Fireweed asked if members are getting their minutes before they go to a meeting. She reiterated that anyone interested is welcome to assist with helping keep communications flowing smoothly in a timely fashion. The minutes are sent to the membership of the whole after they are put up on the blogspot. Sheila asked for the minutes to also be sent as an attachment to the email announcing the blogspot posts so they can be more easily printed out for those that want to do that. Sheila will make sure the FreePost copies are available to those not on computer in advance of subsequent meetings.

(2). New Business

A. Linnaea Farm

-Fireweed provided an update on the Linnaea Farm Potato Coop system. They are on a four year rotation. Members pay $20 for a Linnaea Farm membership plus $50 per family for the Potato Coop Membership ($30.00 for individuals)

-The coop has been operating since 1984.The harvest is abundant, using almost exclusively green manure and cover cropping. (Pigs were brought in one time to clean up leftover potatoes, and a couple of years ago they amended the soil with rock phosphate and magnesium). Sections are sometimes left fallow. Favorite cover crops are Rye and Hairy Vetch (does not appeal to geese like regular vetch). Seaweed and compost are also added from time to time. This year they are experimenting with Red Clover.

- Regarding SPUDS crop rotation, Bob Parsons suggested that we divide the field into thirds to enable us to get a better yield. He has seed potatoes that can be used next year. Fireweed suggested that a four year rotation would be preferable, depending on membership numbers and yield expectations from the area available to us for cultivation.

- Potato Preferences and Yield: Some members commented that they liked the Seglinde and Yukon more than the White Rose potatoes that were harvested this year. The issue of record keeping, and yearly yield was met with an offer from Peter to use his scales to assess the harvest volumn next year.

-The importance of addressing crop rotation, planting plans, etc, with more time for deliberation was duly noted. These topics were deferred to another meeting.

B. Water

Herb said that Peter Marshall of the Fire Dept. has requested that we purchase a Forest Valve that goes on the bottom of the cistern to enable them to fill the tank more easily. Herb will research cost and supplier and report back.

-Charlie mentioned that his loan of irrigation equipment to SPUDS may or may not be temporary in the short term.

C. Soil Test

-Rae has purchased a kit from Art Knapps and will share it with SPUDS. A discussion ensued about when and where to test the soil. Rae will test the field this winter and again later in the spring for comparison. She will report her findings.

D. FundingTo be discussed at another meeting.

(3). Basis of Unity

The group discussed the drafts of the Basis of Unity Statements that follow in red and black ink. The most recent revisions are highlighted in red. For previous drafts in their entirety, please refer to previous minutes posted here on the blogspot. Number 3. (Soil) is in green because it has not yet been discussed by the group. It is a revision, however, of Velda’s original draft.

1. Community Building (Draft 5 – Sheila)

We want to build community by providing affordable access to land where we grow potatoes in an enjoyable, safe, welcoming environment. We strive to encourage and nourish the cooperative participation of a diverse intergenerational group of people with various skills, perspectives and physical abilities. Together we hope to celebrate our harvest and eventually share the overflowing bounty with the broader island community.

2. Sustainability (Draft 3 – Veronica)

Sustainability to the SPUDS Co-operative means that we will:

a) whenever possible, source supplies locally, use organic seed, compost and fertilizers

b) use the best farming practices that do not harm the soil, plants, people, animals or the ecosystem as a whole

c) increase the yield of the production to ensure an organic potato supply for the future

d) work toward maintaining a membership level commensurate with the yield ability of the field

e) sustain the membership through regular communications, education and other events

f) maintain a harmonious and respectful working relationship with each other, the community and the Dharma Fellowship/Hermitage Board

g) maintain financial sustainability

3. Soil (Draft 2 – Bob and Velda – to be discussed on Dec. 11th)

a) members will care for the soil by not using pesticides, toxins or any harmful substances on/in the soil

b) the needs of the soil will be determined and discussed by the members and met in the best possible way

c) the soil will be amended, weeded, planted and the crop harvested at the appropriate times according to nature’s cycles and the weather

4. Education (Draft 3 - Veronica)

a) We encourage members to learn about organic farming, potato growing, how cooperatives operate and to share skills.

b) We will track our activities and their outcomes through reporting and record keeping.

5. Group Process (Draft 2 – Fireweed)

a) We strive for equality and inclusivity by sharing responsibilities and practicing power-with (rather than power-over) in our deliberations, decision-making and actions.

b) Before speaking we pass our words through the “Three Gates:”

- are these words true?

- are they necessary now?

- are they kind?

6. Ethics (Draft 2 – Mike)

SPUDS seeks to be a non-commercial, non-profit endeavor. Any revenue will be reinvested in the activities of the collective.

(4). Topics for Upcoming Discussion

The following topics were identified as needing to be discussed and agreed upon in upcoming meetings

* methods of growing potatoes

* petroleum product use

* animal products

* decision-making process

Shiela proposed that the membership decide on our decision-making process at the next meeting.

(5). Next meeting

Friday, December 11th, at 7 pm at Bob and Carol Vosburgh’s, 3061 Nelson

Ron will be one facilitator, with Herb as a backup if Ron is unable to attend.

The agenda will be limited to discussion around the final sections in our Basis of Unity, including SOIL, and deciding on our decision making process so we have time to add some seasonal socializing to our last SPUDS meeting of the year. Members also agreed to bring vegetarian (or vegan) party fingerfoods to share!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Venue Change for Nov. 24th Meeting

Tuesday, November 24th's meeting space has been changed from Bob and Carol's home to Ron and Sheila's. The address is 4062 A Wren Road.

To find it, turn right on the next driveway past Susan Marie's place. Follow that road up to Jane and Patrick Fawke's Farm (lovely blue gate partially constructed with branches).

Just after Fawkes Farm is a small rise. Make an immediate right at the top of that rise or you may will end up at the wrong place (another Sheila's house!)

After making that right turn you should see Ron and Sheila's garage right away...

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Minutes, from November 11th meeting

NOTE: Our next meeting of the membership takes place Tuesday, Nov. 24th, 7 pm at the home of Bob and Carol Vosburgh at 3061 Nelson.

SPUDS Minutes November 11, 2009
(originally compiled by Susan Marie)

Attending: Veronica Timmons, deNeen Baldwin (co-facilitators),
Ron Sakolsky, Sheila Nopper, Karl Goodwin, Fireweed, Mike Nestor, Susan-Marie Yoshihara

Absent: Rae Eckel, Bob Parsons, Velda Parsons, Charlie Johnson, Bob Vosburgh, Carol Vosburgh, Ron Dobie, Maxine Matilpi, Fox, Margaret Fraser, Marjo VanTooren, Riane daSilva, Brian Miles, Laura Busheikin, Peter Bikel-Janes, Corinne Bjorge, Andrew Fyson, Marjo von Tooren, Shaun Woods, Bill Engleson, Herb Jones, Barb Heywood-Jones


1. Field Update
(a) Recent Work
(b) Bob’s Thoughts
2. Communications , Blog Updates, Farm Plan Rep
3. Bookkeeping
4. Funding
5. Webinar Info and Invite
6. Condolences to Marjo
7. Basis of Unity
(a) Sustainability
(b) Education
(c) revisit Community Building
8. New Business
9. Next Meeting (Date, Location, and Co-facilitators)

1. The Field Update was reported by Karl.
7 members (including Herb Jones, Bob Vosburgh, Karl, Bob and Velda Parsons, Fox and Margaret Fraser) moved the 2 foot piles of composting rye to the lower end of the field where they were spread out across the untilled portion to act as a mulch. The rye had already started to seed and become very entangled, making it difficult to move. The suggestion was made that in future, any such piles be covered to avoid this problem.
The available bales of hay on site were then divided between the lower area of the field (where they were spread on top of the rye to a height of 10 -12 inches) and half way across an upper portion of the field as mulch there as well.
An area of the field that had been dug but not seeded, is now partially covered with cardboard. Some soil remains exposed, so we need more cardboard (free of tape and excessive ink), as well as mulch to cover the cardboard. There should be lots of seaweed on the beach these days. Big sheets of cardboard were suggested as preferable to smaller bits and pieces, anchored down with mulch. (Cardboard like this is often available at courier/delivery services that move large appliances like refrigerators.)
The field work accomplished took around 3 hours. Thanks to Velda for her delicious muffins and to Margaret for photos for the blog.

Bob’s Thoughts: next time
( Bob's commentary has been added to the right hand side bar of the blog )

2. Communications and Blog Update:
- Fireweed will contact Margaret to get the photo from the work party onto the blog (now inserted just above, along with a photo from a previous work party who had hoped at the time that they were preparing the soil for winter pea planting (note the rye pile on the right, later used as mulch at the bottom of the field by the 'men who mulch' pictured above... with marvelous muffin maker, Velda!)
-The current acting communications ‘team’ plans to get together to discuss how best to ensure that information is relayed to the membership in as accessible, timely and efficient a manner as possible. Any other interested members are welcome to be part of this effort. Contact: Fireweed
-Fireweed reported that she and Rae would like to send thank-you cards donated by Rae, to folks who have been helpful to SPUDS in any way. All present expressed support for this initiative.
-Regarding the SPUDS envelope in the Free Post, especially important to those who don’t have computers and email, Fireweed will get a binder or folder to organize the materials accumulating there, and forward all information destined for the membership (and blog) to Sheila who will print out copies and deliver them to the Free Post SPUDS envelope/or binder.

Farm Plan Rep: SPUDS received an invitation to be part of the Denman Island farm plan steering committee. The following excerpt from coordinator Courtney Campbell’s Nov. 5th letter to Herb Jones describes the project as follows:

“The first step in developing this Farm Plan is to put together a steering committee of local individuals and organizations, as well as representatives from government agencies such as the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands. We aim to have the steering committee established before the end of the year, with a first meeting in January.
Building on the experience of other communities such as Saltspring Island and the Comox Valley who have recently developed farm plans, we would like to apply for Provincial funding for the Farm Plan, and hire a consultant with experience in agriculture planning to lead the process. The steering committee will continue to work with the consultant throughout the process, which is expected to last approximately two years.”

Fireweed volunteered to represent SPUDS on the committee, as she is already confirmed as a participant.

3. Bookkeeping: deNeen will contact Corrine, currently residing in Courtenay, for SPUDS bookkeeping items (cheque book, receipts, etc), and ask if she would like to pass the bookkeeping task on to another, on-island member able to attend meetings. Mike Nestor was suggested as a candidate for this role, and island book keeper Vicki Bockman as someone who might be able to lend a hand if some assistance were subsequently determined to be helpful in sorting out details. Veronica and Brian also have signing authority on our cheques.

4. Funding: This topic was not explored in any depth, but it was emphasized that we need to plan ahead with budget estimates for each year, and that we probably need between $200 and $300 for potato seed next year alone.

5. Webinar Series: Fireweed read out information about the BC Organic Network’s upcoming Webinar on stock free agriculture, and Veronica, also registered for the course, welcomed any interested members to join her for the event on her home computer for November 12th , at 8:30 pm.

6. Condolence Card for Marjo: A card for Marjo, whose partner Manfred has just passed away, was circulated among members. It will be placed in the SPUDS envelope in the Free Post for others to sign.

7. Basis of Unity: Ron asked about whether or not the small group of members present could make decisions on SPUDS ‘basis of unity’. We agreed it was appropriate to carry on, with the understanding that it is every member’s responsibility to contribute and be heard (by proxy or email if they are unable to attend meetings), and that the final version will be decided upon by the membership as a whole.

(a) Basis of Unity: Sustainability

A discussion was facilitated by Veronica about this particular section of SPUDS Basis of Unity. Below is Draft 1, which Veronica brought to the meeting. The group discussion that ensued introduced various revisions resulting in Draft 2, further down.

-The membership agree to the following definition of sustainability:
"Sustainability refers to the quality of life in a community, that is the economic, social and environmental systems that make up a community, and the extent to which those systems are providing a healthy, productive, meaningful life for all community residents, present and future. It means becoming aware of the holistic interconnections- visible and invisible- in which our day-today choices affect the intricate balance of social, economic, and ecological systems."

SPUDS will source and purchase supplies, services and products locally wherever possible. Preference will be given to Denman Island service-providers and suppliers.

We will move towards increasing the yield of the field production to ensure an organic vegetable supply for the future.

We will work with others in the D.I. community towards an island food sustainability program to support the Denman Feeding Denman movement.

Sustainability, Draft 2

      Sustainability to the SPUDS Co-operative means that we will:

      a) source supplies locally, use only organic seed potatoes, compost and fertilizers wherever possible

      b) use the best farming practices that do not harm the soil, plants or people

      c) increase the yield of the production to ensure an organic potato

      supply for the future

      d) maintain a membership level commensurate with the yield ability of the field

      e) sustain the membership through regular communications, education and other events

f) maintain a harmonious and respectful working relationship with each other, the community and the Dharma Fellowship/Hermitage Board.

Basis of Unity: Education

Below is Draft 1 on Education, brought to the meeting by Veronica. The discussion and revisions facilitated by Veronica and deNeen resulted in Draft 2 for Education, further down.

We will encourage members to learn about organic farming, vegetable growing, how cooperatives operate and to develop the following skills: leadership, group facilitation, and communication.

Members will be empowered through skills building activities and will develop competencies experientially and formally.

Members will search out the educational model and practices that suit them best.

Education, Draft 2

We encourage members to learn about organic farming, potato growing, how cooperatives operate and to share skills.

Basis of Unity: Community Building

Community Building, Draft 3 (Nov 12/09) was presented by Sheila, and reads as follows. (to view Draft 2, please refer to the minutes posted on Nov. 7th, from our Oct. 27th meeting) Further discussion and revision by the group, resulted in Draft 4, further below.

In addition to caring for the soil and the food we produce, we also want to build community by providing affordable access to a fun, safe, welcoming environment that will encourage and nourish the cooperative participation of a diverse intergenerational group of people with various skills, perspectives and physical abilities. Together we will celebrate our harvest and eventually share the overflowing bounty with the broader island community.

Community Building, Draft 4:

We want to build community by providing affordable access to land where we can grow food in a fun, safe, welcoming environment. We strive to encourage and nourish the cooperative participation of a diverse intergenerational group of people with various skills, perspectives and physical abilities. Together we hope to celebrate our harvest and eventually share the overflowing bounty with the broader island community.

New Business:
-Karl reported that Rae has bought a soil testing kit and offered to do some testing on the land. Until we test we don’t really know the facts about what the soil conditions are. There was no information available about the capacity of the kit. More information at the next meeting.

-Riane, not in attendance, sent information about renting the Conservancy room at the Old School. It is booked through Gloria at the hardware store and costs $15 for 2 to 3 hours. Only unavailable on Friday evenings and on the third Monday evening of the month.

-Bob and Carol Vosburgh have agreed to host the next meeting at their place, 3061 Nelson Crescent.

Next Meeting: Tuesday November 24th at 7 PM

Mike and Fireweed to facilitate. Veronica will take minutes, and bring flip chart stand.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Webinar on Stock Free Organic Growing

Thursday, Nov. 12,09

On Thursday, November 12th, SPUDS members are invited to attend a webinar on StockFree Organic Growing with UK farmer Iain Tolhurst. Fireweed and Veronica are registered for the session, which is part of the COABC (Certified Organic Assoc. of BC) Fall seminar series.

Veronica has a large screen tv for viewing at her home and has kindly offered to share the experience with any other SPUDS members interested. Contact her at or 250-335-1828 if interested. The interactive webinar begins at 8:30 pm, PST.
Click here for details about the presentation and presenter)

Saturday, November 7, 2009

SPUDS Minutes of October 27/09 meeting

NOTE: Next Membership Meeting, Wednesday, November 11, 2009

SPUDS Minutes of October 27/09 meeting
(recorded by Susan Marie, prepared for dissemination by Susan Marie and deNeen)

Members in Attendance:
Mike Nestor, Sheila Nopper, Fox, Charlie Johnson, Karl Goodwin, Velda Parsons, Bob Parsons, Bob Vosberg, deNeen Baldwin, Veronica Timmons, Susan-Marie Yoshihara, Fireweed, Rae Eckel, Riane daSilva

Peter Bikel-Janes, Ron Sakolsky, Brian Miles, Maxine Matilpi, Ron Dobie, Margaret Fraser, Carole Vosberg, Corinne Bjorge, Andrew Fyson, Laura Busheikin, Marjo von Tooren, Shaun Woods, Bill Engelson

Co-facilitators: Sheila Nopper and Mike Nestor

1. Agenda

1) INTRO - Sheila

2) BASIS OF UNITY - Follow-up - Sheila & Mike - 45 minutes

- identify initial core basis of unity

- identify (and resolve?) remaining concerns

- revisit remaining concerns at next meeting

3) FIELD REPORT - Mike - 60 minutes

- budget update

- field update

- immediate needs/decisions

- upcoming needs/decisions (next meeting?)

4) DECISION-MAKING PROCESS - Sheila - 20 minutes

- assessment of consensus model

- proposal to adopt?

- alternate options/proposals


- date/location

- facilitator(s)

A member suggested that the field report be first on the agenda and the group agreed.

2. Field Report

Budget and financial update:

$177.64 (as of September 30)

215.00 (15 memberships renewals)

$392.64 Total

Outstanding invoices:

$200 (for peas and innoculant)

Field Update

Mike paced off the dimensions of the field and made a map which he posted on the wall. Fire Weed read Derek's field report. See previous post here on the blogspot.

The innoculated winter peas which were sown into the recently harvested part of the field on October 11 (which was rototilled by tractor on October 10) have sprouted. Mike's map showed the part of the field which was not used for potatoes this year and which was planted in rye. This part of the field has been managed in various ways. A 10x10 foot section in the northwest corner was marked off and an experiment is being conducted by sowing innoculated winter peas into the scythed rye stalks. On October 12 another part of the field, to the east, was rototilled by Bob Parsons and sown with innoculated winter peas. On the same day one more part, to the west of the pile of rye and other grasses and weeds running down the centre of the field, was partially hand dug and sown with the peas. On the 18th of October part of the field closest to the west side was hand dug but not seeded. It is now too late to sow any more peas. There is a wide area at the very north part of the field and a narrower part to the east which have not yet been cultivated by SPUDSDiscussion followed about how to manage the never-cultivated parts of the field and what to do about the places that were dug but not cover cropped. Suggestions included various methods of mulching to suppress weeds that involved plastic, cardboard, hay and seaweed. It was generally agreed that plastic was not to be used. Since the soil in the field had not been tested, Rae volunteered to do that.

It was noted that for next year, we might only be able to plant potatoes in the 2 spots where the peas were planted. Or we might want to just let the whole field recover. We were reminded that the original plan had been to divide the field into thirds for crop rotation, which would initially mean a crop reduction, but it would improve the yields in the longer term.

A proposal was made with several amendments. We achieved consensus that a group of volunteers would start mulching the 10 foot deep swath at the end of the field with hay and the cut rye. Some members emphasized the need to maintain sufficient depth to keep light out and cardboard would be used if necessary. The dug area which was not sown with peas, will have seaweed applied. Bob Parsons has agreed to co-ordinate the activity outside of the meeting.

3. Basis of Unity:

Sheila presented her draft synthesis of the Community Building category for the Basis of Unity:

In addition to caring for the soil and the food we produce, we also want to build community by providing affordable access to a fun, safe, welcoming environment that will encourage and nourish the cooperative participation of a diverse intergenerational group of people with various skills, perspectives and physical abilities. Together we will celebrate our harvest and eventually share the overflowing bounty with the broader island community.

Discussion included concerns about the sharing being limited to the island, whether "growing knowledge" should be in the education section, clarification regarding "access," suggestion to add "growing food" to read "affordable access to growing food," concern about staying focused on potato co-op for now. It was noted that the statement doesn't preclude expanding in other directions in the future. Sheila will take the suggestions and work with them.

By now it was after 9 pm. It was proposed that the meeting end when we set a date and time and record who's doing what.

4. Decision- Making Process:

We achieved consensus on a proposal that we continue practicing the consensus model.

5. Next Meeting:

Next meeting will be held on November 11 at 7 pm at Susan-Marie's place. After that the meetings will possibly be held in the Conservancy room at the Old School. Riane will check out the availability of the room.

Ideas were still flowing thick and fast. They included: a member's responsibility for making oneself heard such as when unable to attend a meeting, proxy by email or representative was suggested. It is helpful if we know that a certain topic is coming up so that we have time to think about it and prepare for it.

Co-facilitators will be: Veronica Timmons and deNeen Baldwin

The meeting will continue to discuss the Basis of Unity. Veronica will do her summaries of the Education and Sustainability categories.