Saturday, November 7, 2009

SPUDS Minutes of October 27/09 meeting

NOTE: Next Membership Meeting, Wednesday, November 11, 2009

SPUDS Minutes of October 27/09 meeting
(recorded by Susan Marie, prepared for dissemination by Susan Marie and deNeen)

Members in Attendance:
Mike Nestor, Sheila Nopper, Fox, Charlie Johnson, Karl Goodwin, Velda Parsons, Bob Parsons, Bob Vosberg, deNeen Baldwin, Veronica Timmons, Susan-Marie Yoshihara, Fireweed, Rae Eckel, Riane daSilva

Peter Bikel-Janes, Ron Sakolsky, Brian Miles, Maxine Matilpi, Ron Dobie, Margaret Fraser, Carole Vosberg, Corinne Bjorge, Andrew Fyson, Laura Busheikin, Marjo von Tooren, Shaun Woods, Bill Engelson

Co-facilitators: Sheila Nopper and Mike Nestor

1. Agenda

1) INTRO - Sheila

2) BASIS OF UNITY - Follow-up - Sheila & Mike - 45 minutes

- identify initial core basis of unity

- identify (and resolve?) remaining concerns

- revisit remaining concerns at next meeting

3) FIELD REPORT - Mike - 60 minutes

- budget update

- field update

- immediate needs/decisions

- upcoming needs/decisions (next meeting?)

4) DECISION-MAKING PROCESS - Sheila - 20 minutes

- assessment of consensus model

- proposal to adopt?

- alternate options/proposals


- date/location

- facilitator(s)

A member suggested that the field report be first on the agenda and the group agreed.

2. Field Report

Budget and financial update:

$177.64 (as of September 30)

215.00 (15 memberships renewals)

$392.64 Total

Outstanding invoices:

$200 (for peas and innoculant)

Field Update

Mike paced off the dimensions of the field and made a map which he posted on the wall. Fire Weed read Derek's field report. See previous post here on the blogspot.

The innoculated winter peas which were sown into the recently harvested part of the field on October 11 (which was rototilled by tractor on October 10) have sprouted. Mike's map showed the part of the field which was not used for potatoes this year and which was planted in rye. This part of the field has been managed in various ways. A 10x10 foot section in the northwest corner was marked off and an experiment is being conducted by sowing innoculated winter peas into the scythed rye stalks. On October 12 another part of the field, to the east, was rototilled by Bob Parsons and sown with innoculated winter peas. On the same day one more part, to the west of the pile of rye and other grasses and weeds running down the centre of the field, was partially hand dug and sown with the peas. On the 18th of October part of the field closest to the west side was hand dug but not seeded. It is now too late to sow any more peas. There is a wide area at the very north part of the field and a narrower part to the east which have not yet been cultivated by SPUDSDiscussion followed about how to manage the never-cultivated parts of the field and what to do about the places that were dug but not cover cropped. Suggestions included various methods of mulching to suppress weeds that involved plastic, cardboard, hay and seaweed. It was generally agreed that plastic was not to be used. Since the soil in the field had not been tested, Rae volunteered to do that.

It was noted that for next year, we might only be able to plant potatoes in the 2 spots where the peas were planted. Or we might want to just let the whole field recover. We were reminded that the original plan had been to divide the field into thirds for crop rotation, which would initially mean a crop reduction, but it would improve the yields in the longer term.

A proposal was made with several amendments. We achieved consensus that a group of volunteers would start mulching the 10 foot deep swath at the end of the field with hay and the cut rye. Some members emphasized the need to maintain sufficient depth to keep light out and cardboard would be used if necessary. The dug area which was not sown with peas, will have seaweed applied. Bob Parsons has agreed to co-ordinate the activity outside of the meeting.

3. Basis of Unity:

Sheila presented her draft synthesis of the Community Building category for the Basis of Unity:

In addition to caring for the soil and the food we produce, we also want to build community by providing affordable access to a fun, safe, welcoming environment that will encourage and nourish the cooperative participation of a diverse intergenerational group of people with various skills, perspectives and physical abilities. Together we will celebrate our harvest and eventually share the overflowing bounty with the broader island community.

Discussion included concerns about the sharing being limited to the island, whether "growing knowledge" should be in the education section, clarification regarding "access," suggestion to add "growing food" to read "affordable access to growing food," concern about staying focused on potato co-op for now. It was noted that the statement doesn't preclude expanding in other directions in the future. Sheila will take the suggestions and work with them.

By now it was after 9 pm. It was proposed that the meeting end when we set a date and time and record who's doing what.

4. Decision- Making Process:

We achieved consensus on a proposal that we continue practicing the consensus model.

5. Next Meeting:

Next meeting will be held on November 11 at 7 pm at Susan-Marie's place. After that the meetings will possibly be held in the Conservancy room at the Old School. Riane will check out the availability of the room.

Ideas were still flowing thick and fast. They included: a member's responsibility for making oneself heard such as when unable to attend a meeting, proxy by email or representative was suggested. It is helpful if we know that a certain topic is coming up so that we have time to think about it and prepare for it.

Co-facilitators will be: Veronica Timmons and deNeen Baldwin

The meeting will continue to discuss the Basis of Unity. Veronica will do her summaries of the Education and Sustainability categories.

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