Tuesday, January 5, 2010


for Friday, December 11, 2009

Tonite’s meeting also doubled as a seasonal SPUDS celebration complete with tasty treats and refreshments. Thanks to Bob and Carol for hosting!

In attendance: Veronica Timmons, Herb Jones, Barb Heywood-Jones, Fireweed, Mike Nestor, Ron Dobie, Maxine Matilpi, Charlie Johnston, Bob and Carol Vosburgh, DeNeen Baldwin, Ron Sakolsky, Sheila Nopper, Derek Taneker

Minute Takers: DeNeen Baldwin and Fireweed

Facilitator: Ron Dobie


1. Bookkeeping (update from Mike)

2. New Business
- (a) potato ordering (Veronica)
- (b) grant information (Fireweed)


3. Basis of Unity – the Soil

4. Test for Consensus around Consensus Process Decision-Making

5. Next meeting details


1. Bookkeeping

Mike Nestor has replaced Corinne as a signatory for SPUDS bank account. Veronica and Brian Miles were the other two signatories according to bank records. Mike clarified that he is willing to assist with bookkeeping for SPUDS, but would like a team approach as he doesn’t have time to help with fundraising/grant applications, etc.

Mike received some of SPUDS receipts from Corinne, but we’re still missing 14 bank statements. Please see second email attachment if you are receiving these notes that way (or hard copy for those not on computer)for detailed report by Mike also advocating clear protocol on how expenses are authorized and greater transparency for SPUDS financial matters.

In short for the blogspot:

Bank Balance: $642.64
Owing: $239.47 (cover cropseed expense reimbursement)
$402.67 (expected balance after above payment)

11 members have paid their membership fees for 2010 so far. We had 22 paid memberships in 2009, up from 18 in 2008.

Cheques can now be written directly to SPUDS (OR Cascadia Food Security Project).
Fireweed proposed that Veronica receive reimbursement for her personal purchase of cover crop seed for fall planting, and that SPUDS adopt the policy of vetting future purchases through the group prior to expenditure. Consensus Noted.

It was also recognized by the members that advance budget planning is important.

2. New Business
(a) Potatoe Ordering: Veronica reported that the opportunity to order seed potato again through the same bulk purchase of certified organic seed we got in on last year, if we do it ASAP. Last season we purchased 150 pounds@ $157.50. Discussion determined that 2/3rd of what was ordered last year will likely be more than enough for the area suitable for planting in Spring 2010. Last year’s low Yukon Gold yield was noted. White Rose, Seglinde or Kennebec were suggested as preferred choices for the next planting. Interest in purple potatoes was raised, but Derek explained that it was in the best interests of soil health to avoid planting either red or purple skinned potatoes, given their propensity for scab and the evidence of some scab already in last year’s harvest. Veronica was mandated to go ahead and make the order since there would not be time for a group meeting for further discussion if we don’t want to miss the deadline for the shared order direct from Across the Creek Organics in Pemberton.

UPDATE: Since this meeting, Veronica discovered that only the Seglinde we want is available from this particular source, and is placing an order for 50 pounds of this one variety, leaving us the option of finding another type elsewhere if possible and the group wants more variety.

(b) Grant Availability: Fireweed reported news of a grant from the Investment Agiculture Foundation of BC for “development of sustainable agri-food sector”, with a Dec. 31st deadline for applicants. Veronica volunteered to research the grant, see if we would qualify if it looks useful, and make an application. It was suggested that if Veronica were to go ahead and fill out an application that anyone interested provide feedback before submission. Veronica agreed to make her findings known by Dec. 18th and Fireweed agreed to post relevant details on the blog if a grant application were to go foreward.

UPDATE: Veronica’s research determined that the grant in question was not applicable to SPUDS interests so no further action has been taken.

Discussion around the potential use of grant monies, brought up discussion about the need for a different type of attachment on the water tank, as requested by the Fire Department for greater ease of refill. Charlie Johnston volunteered to find out what the actual cost of this item will be and to report this to Veronica by the 20th, in case we want to reference the need for this item in any grant application.

It was noted that if sustainability is an important focus for SPUDS, then perhaps applying for grants contradicts this notion. Other thoughts suggested that taking selective advantage of appropriate financial assistance may help us reach that goal sooner than later. Members agreed that grant applications generally require good record keeping and budget outlines. With assistance from Derek, Mike and Charlie will come up with budget outlines for the group’s consideration at our next meeting in order to move ahead with planning for 2010 and beyond. Veronica’s timeline/task sheet will be helpful in developing some potential scenarios weighing both labour and financial resources.


Given that the original plan was to focus only on our Basis of Unity at this last meeting of 2009, it was agreed that tackling new business BEFORE our party was a great idea!

3. Basis of Unity: The Soil

Group work on this section concluded with Sheila Nopper volunteering to tighten up the wording further and forward to Fireweed for posting in the minutes here and on the blog.
Here it is:

SOIL (draft 3 – Dec 14/09)

Members will care for the soil by not using pesticides, toxins or any harmful substances on or in the soil [with consideration to COABC standards].
The soil will be amended, weeded, planted, and the crop harvested at the appropriate times on a continuing basis so as to improve the health, fertility, and tilth of the soil.
Any further needs or issues for the soil will be discussed and determined by the members.

Sheila has also provided a link to the COABC standards on line for general reference.


4. Charlie proposed that testing for consensus on the consensus process be deferred to the next meeting with more members hopefully in attendance. Fireweed asked if we wanted to do an informal temperature check on the topic with those present through a simple show of hands. This informal test showed unanimous support for the consensus model.

5. The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, January 13th, 7:00 pm. Susan Marie’s house was suggested as a possibility, with Ron and Sheila’s as backup.

UPDATE: the location is not confirmed as of January 4th, but should be shortly.
Charlie and Ron Sakolsky will co-facilitate.

OLD BUSINESS: Fireweed made a last minute proposal that some extra potatoes currently stored by Bob Vosburgh go to Mary Lang, as a small gesture of our appreciation for her introduction last fall to the consensus decision making model. Those present were in favour, and the potatoes have since been delivered and appreciated!

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